It was a toss-up who was the most emotional of the three of us, though I didn’t really consider myself in the running for either first or second place. Mac might be better if we could get his hormones regulated. I hope he knew what he needed because I had no clue, and any information on the Internet might soon be out of reach, or already was. All that work, all those contacts, all that accessibility right at our fingertips. I was old enough to enjoy and appreciate what I could about it, but these two youngsters, my kids, sort of, had no clue. Had they even been inside a real library? Which reminded me, the library. Had the big one downtown been hit by anything? Were the homeless still camping out near it, or had they now their choice of empty homes to move into? I’d really like to meet this guy who was burying people as he came across them; he sounded like a sensible, and kind, person, who was thinking of the future as well. Like me and chickens.