Chapter 20

When we got to the thrift store, I watched the bags outside while the other two ran in and basically just grabbed things that seemed to be the right sizes. The place was a mess, so it took time.

“On our way back on Saturday, we can pick up things for Helga and Hans, toys and spare clothes and whatever else that might cheer them up,” Burk said.

“And I found sheet music, too! And some books for the boy,” Finn said.

The rest of the way home, we chatted quietly, watching around us. I knew that with the day’s successes, we might easily become careless. Loaded down as we were, it would be hard to fight anyone off or run for cover. We only heard birds and some music in the far distance. I couldn’t tell if it was live or recorded, if someone still had something running on batteries, like maybe a car radio. We saw no other people and took our bags home before all three of us went on to the house with the ham radio. By then, it was mid-afternoon, and I wanted a nap.