Chapter 8

Still, I eyed the garbage cans in the airport as I followed the BAGGAGE CLAIM signs. And then I had a moment where I just froze as I was about to get on the escalator down to the baggage area.

Just go back.

I didn’t belong in Vermont. I lived in California now, and that was where I wanted to be with Donald. Only that future had been taken from me.

I could still go to the ticket agent and fly back to Los Angeles. I could call Emily right now and tell her I’d missed my plane, so I decided not to come to Vermont after all.

But Emily was waiting below for me. I might as well see it through. I didn’t have to stay a whole month like my return ticket said.

“Move it or lose it,” an old man said crossly, pushing past me on to the escalator. I scooted out of the way just in time.

Grow up, Dane.