Chapter 28

“Annie, don’t go too far,” Emily shouted at the rambunctious girl as she ran past us. She shielded her eyes and looked out over the soccer field. “I wish they’d start already.”

“Theo isn’t here yet.” I reached for the bottle of water Hank handed to me.

“He’ll be here. What are you guys doing after Alex’s game?” Emily asked.

I wrinkled my nose. “Something about hiking or a walking trail. Outdoorsy crap.”

Hank laughed. “Poor Dane.”

“I know. It’s exercise, for God’s sake.”

Emily patted my leg. “You’ll live. It’s good for you.”

I guessed maybe it would be good. Donald was never far from my mind, but spending time with Theo had kept me from wallowing in sorrow. Still I had to learn to deal with Donald’s death and living now without having a substitute for him. Maybe that wasn’t fair to Theo, because he wasn’t really a substitute, but, well, I had a lot of thinking to do when I returned home.