Chapter 14

He swallowed heavily, his gaze riveted to Brandon’s movements. The last button undone, Brandon shrugged the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms. He let it fall to the floor.

Brandon arched an eyebrow at him. “Now you.”

Unlike Brandon, Tim didn’t waste any time trying to be erotic about it. He yanked off his T-shirt in less than five seconds.

The other man’s lips curve into an adorably sexy smile. His fingers moved to the snaps of his jeans. But Tim didn’t think he could take another slow striptease. He brushed Brandon’s hands aside and undid the snaps himself.

As he lowered the zipper of Brandon’s jeans, Brandon kicked off his loafers. Like before, Brandon wore boxer briefs. These were navy, Tim noticed, just before he pushed the garments down Brandon’s legs.