Chapter 22

“I’m starting to get to know you. You’re smart and witty. You don’t back down or take any shit.” Tim shook his head. “You haven’t let me get away with much. And you keep giving me chances even though I definitely don’t deserve them.”

Brandon gazed at him for a long time without responding. He could tell from the uncertainty in Tim’s eyes, he didn’t know what Brandon would say or do next. He wasn’t all that sure himself. Yeah, the slight about the prom had hurt, but it had been a long time ago. Tim was here now. He stroked the stubble on Tim’s jaw, grazing along the masculine line.

They stopped talking then and let the music take over as they moved together, holding each other close. Tim had dipped his head until their lips were bare inches apart, but they didn’t kiss. They stayed like that, looking into each other’s eyes, and for a second Brandon could almost believe it was ten years ago and his fantasy had come true.

The song ended and Brandon pushed himself out of Tim’s arms.