“Logically,” Kip replied, “so were Constantine, Alexander, and the others. Then their bodies were found buried somewhere in the mountains and they’d all been killed execution-style. If hers turns up the same way…”
“Then we add her to the list.” John tapped a finger on the desk. “This happened real soon after Alexander’s murder. Much closer together than the rest of the ones on our list.”
“Maybe not, if there are bodies that haven’t been located. The other option is, whoever’s in charge is getting sloppy with who he uses for—my guess would be money laundering, given that’s what she was supposedly doing.”
“Sloppy would be letting someone like Constantine get his hands on the money to begin with.”
“I disagree,” Kip replied. “He, they, would have to. They’d need to move it around to make it look legit. They just got greedy and took advantage of the situation.”