“Whoa,” Kip said.
John looked around, wondering what had brought on that comment. They’d just entered the canyon, with its steep walls and two-lane highway following Clear Creek.
“This is so much more impressive than being in a car,” Kip murmured. “It makes me feel insignificant. I remember feeling like that when I was a teen and living rough in the mountains. I’d forgotten until now.”
“I know what you mean,” John replied—and he did. It’s why he loved this kind of ride. “It gives me a perspective on what it must have been like for the early settlers and miners who came to Colorado seeking their fortunes. Of course they were on foot or horseback, but still.”
“That took more guts than I’d ever have.”
“Not true,” John said after veering around a slow-moving car full of what he figured were tourists. “You lived in the mountains without having anything more than they did. Probably less when it comes down to it.”