Chapter 28

“What if they don’t take the bait?”

“My bet is at least one of them will,” John replied a couple of minutes later when he returned with their coffees. “Maybe the guy who was with Parker when you saw them kill Constantine. One is all we need, if he can be convinced to turn state’s evidence against his boss.”

“Big if,” Kip muttered.

John sat beside him, taking one of his hands to make certain he was paying attention. “Believe and it’ll happen.”

“It better. I’ve been living with this for over eleven years because I was a stupid kid.”

“You were a scared kid. No one can blame you for that.”

“Except me.” Kip stared down at their hands. “If it wasn’t for you…”

“You’d have been fine without me, Kip. You have what it takes to face whatever life throws at you now.” When Kip didn’t respond, John put a finger under his chin to make him look up. “You do.”

“I hope you’re right.” Kip sighed. “I’m an adult. I shouldn’t be crying on your shoulder.”