Chapter 3

“A bump or two here,” he said, “but no breaks.”

Don’t stop!I wanted to say, but didn’t.

Now that we were standing, I was again struck by how massive this guy was. I was impressed, to the extent that I could feelhis presence as a kind of throbbing warmth. It made me feel a bit silly.

I looked him up and down appreciatively. Then I heard myself say, “How did you know my name?”

The man stared at me. “Uh—what?”

“You addressed me by my name.” I felt a rising sense of both danger and excitement, but found it impossible to stop.

He scratched his head. “What? What name?”

“Honey. That’s my name—or at least my nickname. You can call me that if you like. I don’t mind.” I smiled at him.

At this the guy took a step back from me.

“What?” he said again, and this time he sounded—well, not friendly, though what else I couldn’t quite tell. Cautious?