There were three men, or rather youths, standing in the doorway of the office. One of them was holding a pistol.
In my awkward position, I could think of nothing to do, so I just stared.
The man with the pistol leered unpleasantly, grabbing his crotch in a suggestive manner.
“So,” he said, “you open for all—cummers?”
I felt a sense of despair, even while I heard Rick struggling to pull up his pants. In another second he was on his feet and standing between me and the intruders.
Then he gave a gasp.
“Henry!” he said. “You bastard! What are you doing here?”
The man with the gun chuckled.
“Richard!” he said. “Sorry but I didn’t—recognize you at first. We were that kind of friends, were we?” He sniggered and the two behind him chuckled.
“What are you doing here?” Rick repeated.
The man with the gun shrugged. “Same as you. To get a set of wheels, one that works.”
Rick nodded and chuckled himself. “So, you know about that.”