Chapter 20

“Not enough experience,” I commented.

He grunted but said nothing. Then he handed me the hose.

“Keep your thumb over the end, so it won’t go back down. I’ll bring the car over.”

He made to go but I stopped him.

“I don’t think that will work.”

“Why not?”

“Well, the gas won’t flowfrom a lower to a higher place.”

He considered the point, then nodded. “What do you suggest?”

I examined the hose. It was very long. Then I looked at the slope of the pavement.

“Park down there,” I said, pointing to the lowest spot near the grass verge of the highway. “I think that will be low enough.”

He nodded and I held the hose while he positioned the car. It turned out that the hose justreached, and we managed to refill the tank without further trouble. Then I went and returned the hose to the bucket near the pumps.

“I want to check the office,” Rick said.


He shrugged. “I just do. Will you stay here?”