Chapter 25

“So you gunna tell me what’s got you looking so edgy?”

“Don’t wanna talk about it.”

Trent sighed, and patted the bench for Finn to sit on. “Was it yesterday, that family reunion?”

Finn obeyed and sighed tiredly.

“Finn? The family thing.”

Finn drew his eyebrows together and shook his head. “Family reunion?”

The easy-going expression left Trent’s face, and he folded his arms. “Yeah, that’s the reason you couldn’t work yesterday, and I had to rope in Luke to cover.”

Finn dropped his head into his hands. “Okay I lied. I was on a date.”

Trent uncrossed his arms, and smacked Finn on the shoulder. He puffed his chest out proudly, and his smile lifted his eyes. “Good on you, why didn’t you tell me?”

Finn gritted his teeth and spoke to the floor. “It was with Brody.”

“Brody? You mean beach brat Brody.”


Trent breathed deep through his nose, then huffed. “You are like a lovesick teenager, Brody’s bad news. He’s arrogant, big headed, not to mention he almost got you killed.”