Chapter 9

“Would they have been at the gala if they’d been here?”

“Yes. And they would be here now.” Adam squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Can we talk about something else?”

“Sure.” He scrambled for something to say, then settled on, “Walter’s had a delivery this afternoon.”

“Excuse me?”

“Walter’s Burgers and Dogs. I wish I’d thought to bring some of that down here.” They could have stocked up on premade patties and franks as well as buns and condiments. Having that along with all the canned goods they’d filled the carts with would have been a nice addition. “Although now I think about it, I didn’t see anything we could use to cook with. No hotplate or grill or microwave down here.”

Adam stared at him thoughtfully.


“We could have made hamburger tartar.”

Lync’s jaw dropped, and then he burst into laughter and shook his head.

“Sure,” Adam assured him. “A little salt, a little garlic powder. An egg?”

“Nope, sorry. No eggs.”