Chapter 13

Adam was awake when he returned.

“Good morning,” Lync said.

“I’m sorry.”

“What? What for?”

“I chased you from the bed.”

“Nah. I had to take a leak.” He’d have stayed longer otherwise, but he wasn’t going to tell Adam that. It wasn’t something such a wealthy, classy man wanted to hear. “Why don’t you go take care of business, and I’ll see about finding us some breakfast.”

Lync didn’t bother pulling on his jeans. He padded into the storage room in his shorts, flipped on the light, and searched for a couple of breakfast MREs.

“Can I help?”

“Sure.” Lync was glad Adam had joined him. “Look into this box and see what you can find.”

“Aye aye, captain.” Adam neatly removed the contents of the box, then crowed in triumph. “Eureka!” He held up two MREs. The labels read maple pork sausage patty. “Um…is this okay?”

“You bet. Let’s eat.”

They went back into the living area and sat down on the mattresses.

“What do I do?” Adam asked.