Chapter 17

I couldn’t scream like Ray had. I felt not lips, just the awful pull, like a vacuum cleaner fixed to me. My tongue stiffened and I feared it would be devoured. The pull then began to reach inside me, taking what breath I had and making my heart thump like a fist slamming around inside my chest.

Justin began to circle in place, as if the kiss propelled us, then suddenly he disengaged. My head fell back in recoil and air rushed into me, mouth open, starved lungs working again. But I didn’t scream. I’d done that silently.

Justin let go of one hand, and I spun enough to look at Ray, who sat clutching a pillow, mouth open in his own silent scream. As I tried to gain strength from the other living person in the room, I found myself starting to spin. Looking at the hand Justin still held, I saw it turning like the joint could do a three-sixty. Soon the spin became forceful, as if I was being wound up. But what for?

“Stop!” I cried, relieved to find my voice. “Stop it!”