Chapter 5

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not till death us do part, is it?”

Seeing Ellis smirk made Charlie smile, and it took only seconds for the smiles to become laughter.

Ellis held out his arms. “Looks like you’re stuck with me for a good deal longer than you bargained for.”

They stood by the fire, embracing for many minutes, silently enjoying the closeness. Outside, the storm was becoming fiercer, with gusts of wind that shook the house. Thunder cracked, deafening and frightening, while sheet lightning lit up the sky and the room they were in.

Charlie thought about his parents and his brother. They’d never see each other again. Not that he’d seen a lot of them since telling them about Ellis. But he still loved them, and he knew they loved him, on some level. He wondered whether who he fell in love with meant as much to them now that he was dead. But enough of that. It was a morbid thought and there was no point in speculating.