
Chapter 34

There, standing motionless, was Sebastian.17

Charles couldn’t move. Sebastian looked awful. He looked tired and drawn.

“Were you listening at the door?” The words came from Edward in an accusatory tone more suited to addressing a grubby schoolboy.

Sebastian dragged his gaze from Charles’ to reply. “I just heard voices, so I came to investigate. Have I missed something?”

“No.” Edward sighed and appeared to shake himself. “Captain Hawkins was apparently making an appeal on your behalf.”

“An appeal?” Sebastian glanced at Charles.

“That I support your application to Father for a commission.”

“And will you?”

Edward looked bewildered. As though he had no idea what to do or say. He hesitated. “Bastian…you are my youngest brother. You do understand whyI wouldn’t support your petition, don’t you?”

Sebastian didn’t speak, he just shook his head.

Edward looked horrified. “It is because I care for you a great deal. Not because I thought you couldn’t do it.”