Chapter 8

Inside, at night, Eirwen, Cadeyrn, and even Vorgell would entertain with stories of long ago, of the gods and of the spirits. Sometimes, they’d sing, and Uncle Cledwyn and Aunty Wenda would join them. There’d be mead and beer, which would fuel the body and increase the volume of the voices singing. And after Cledwyn and Wenda had left, everyone would go to bed, exhausted but feeling warm and happy inside.

On the day of the winter solstice, they lit the Yule log and the whole village gathered for three days of feasting, singing, and praying to the gods and goddesses for their blessings in the year to come. It was a joyous time, though try as he might, Brennus found it difficult to give himself totally to the festivities. He wasn’t moping, nor was he depressed. He simply missed Cyprian.

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