There were womenfolk, and children. Nudity seemed optional, with some of the villagers walking around naked, painted in blue patterns, while others wore tunics, boots, and cloaks, or combinations thereof.
“Should we introduce ourselves?” asked Cyprian.
“How?” said Brennus. “Neither they nor we can understand a word the other says.”
Cyprian nodded.
“Besides,” Brennus continued. “Meeting us on the beach isn’t as threatening as meeting them in their own village. They might not take kindly to it.”
“We should head back then.”
Together they resumed their hunt for sustenance.
“How long will we be here, do you think?” asked Cyprian as they examined the nearby berry bushes for fruit.
“You should know the answer better than me,” said Brennus. “How long will they keep looking for you? How long before they forget about you and find something better to do with their time?”