Chapter 23

“Not so welcoming now, is it?” said Cyprian.

They took one last look, then strolled back to the village.

* * * *

During the winter, Brennus had learned a few words of Pictish and could now communicate with the blue people in a rudimentary fashion. With nothing better to do, he’d pick up words and phrases simply by listening and watching. He could ask for things and tell people where he was going, name many of the objects in and around the hut, and also knew the words for several of the animals in the area.

One day, some of the blue men returned from hunting with news. The Red Devils had been seen heading north, into their territory. This roused much shouting and air-punching. All the villagers—the men andthe women—came together and made the decision to travel out to meet them, to attack and drive them back, as they’d apparently done many times before.

Brennus ascertained this would be a coordinated effort, with many other villages joining in.