Chapter 39

“Because I’ve never had a reason not to, angel.”

“You shouldn’t,” Gabe whined, wanting to reach out for Tom, wanting to touch, stroke, bury his face against the safety of Tom’s throat, and not quite daring to do any of it. “I…I don’t know how t’ trust myself. An’ I am too goddamn selfish to let go of you.”

“Well, thank God for that,” Tom said. He pulled Gabe closer and kissed him, gentle and careful. “If you were going to do something to hurt me, you’d have already done it. You’re just in a bad headspace. I get that. So do you want to call it quits and just cuddle, or do you want to try something else?” He ducked his head to catch Gabe’s eye. “If it matters, I vote for trying something else. But it’s your call.”