Chapter 36

Kellan shrugged. “True. Guilty as charged.”

“Oh, well,” Endymion said while getting up and beginning to pack everything up. “Better get cracking, gentlemen. I’ll see you both later. My place again at seven?”

“Make it six o’clock,” Kellan replied before winking at Endymion, who chuckled in return.

Darwin rolled his eyes. “I think I’ll drive us back to Endy’s place later.”

Kellan scowled at Darwin. “But we took my car to the office earlier this morning. You left yours inside Endy’s garage.”

Darwin shot Kellan a withering glare before lowering his gaze. “Judging by that pulsing bulge at the front of your pants, I don’t think you’ll be able to focus on driving us back to Endy’s house in one piece.”

Kellan could feel the heat creeping up his neck and cheeks. “Shut your trap, D. I can concentrate just fine.”

“Nope. I’m not taking any chances.”

Kellan wanted to argue further, but he changed his mind at the last second. “Fine.”