Chapter 34

“Care for you,” Talbot told him. “Keep you isolated. See if you turn.”

After Hank had gone, Talbot shrugged. “If he does, we still him. If he doesn’t, we must decide whether he stays or goes…or lives.”

Mason nodded. Talbot’s choice or a democratic vote, maybe. Whatever decided Hank’s fate was Talbot’s call if not already too late. If allowed to stay, Hank wouldn’t be permitted to roam freely, might find himself in chains, and—Mason grimaced—be caged come night time. A prisoner. How ironic.

“I don’t want to stay in this room.”

Mason inferred Kyle didn’t mean the one night. A stilled zombie lay slumped against the wall, a pool of blood marred the floor, and, in its midst of the mayhem lay…Hank Halsall’s hand.