Chapter 19

Merlan needed three or more arms to restrain Emmaline, whose face was as white as her nightgown, while he sought to tack up the horse. He held her between himself and Dylan as he attempted to control the restive steed. In a sudden, distant thought, Martin recognized the horse. It looked exactly like the mount of the mysterious cloaked rider. Many things began to make a strange kind of sense.

Finally satisfied with the saddle, Merlan almost threw Emmaline onto the horse’s back. Although the animal snorted and danced, it did not bolt or buck. She lit on the beast’s withers and clutched a handful of its mane in a desperate attempt to stay in place. Then the man vaulted up behind her.

He kneed the horse around until it quartered toward Dylan, again keeping Emmaline between himself and a possible shot. “Go ahead,” he challenged. “You’ll hit the girl before you hit me.”