Winston grinned. “I needed this. I had a boner half the time working at Paula’s cuz I’d keep looking at you.”
“You are just about the sexiest man I’ve ever known.” Travis groaned, drove deep, and held it.
“Dude, I can feel your huge cum load inside my ass. Awesome.”
Winston’s legs dropped. Travis rested on him, breathing hard.
“I love you, Winston. Do you know that? I love you.”
They kissed with tongue again.
“I love you, too, Travis.”
Travis turned his head into Winston’s chest, and they rested a bit. Then Winston put Travis on his back, and he straddled his chest. He stroked his leaking cock, and they smiled at each other
“Let me know just before you come. I want it in my mouth.”
Winston nodded and stroked. His dick leaked, and Travis used a finger to capture a drop or two and tasted it.
Travis loved the weight of Winston over him, the bigger man, so sexy.
After increasing his stroking, Winston said, “Close.”