Chapter 16

Rafael lay down. “Maybe someone will come check on us. Like the caretaker. Even if he doesn’t, it shouldn’t be too long until they get it fixed. Probably only a couple hours. Not long at all.” He sounded like he was trying and failing to convince himself.

Grant went into the bathroom and checked to see if the water was still on. It was. He came out, lit the second candle, and picked up his gym bag. “Good news, we’ve got water. I’m going to grab a shower while it’s still hot.”

Under the warm spray, he soaped himself and tried to figure out the sleeping arrangements. The choices were few: the one narrow bed, the straight-backed desk chair, or the floor. He didn’t want to come on too strong, but God, he wanted to snuggle against that warm flesh and wrap his arms around the alluring body.

The only question was if the man would be okay with sharing and, of course, being poked by Grant’s raging hard-on in the process.