Chapter 50

“Okay, okay! Equal partners. Most of the time. But you have to accept it’s my nature to be in charge.”

“I can live with that if you can accept it’s my nature to push boundaries and argue.”

“It’s going to be a bumpy fifty or sixty years, isn’t it?”

“Are you up for it?”

“Count on it”

Grant took possession of his omega’s lips again.

After a long, lovely minute, Rafe broke the kiss. “One more question.”

“You’re killing me here.” Faced with Rafe’s frown, Grant capitulated. “Fine. Ask your question.”

“Why are we rolling around on rocks in a parking lot when there’s a cabin waiting?”

“Now that’s a worthwhile question.” Grant scrambled to his feet and pulled Rafe up with him. “Next stop: a cozy cabin for two. Shouldn’t take more than an hour to get there.” Grant tried to steer them toward the SUV, but Rafe held out a hand to stop him.

“You said you’d provide for me, right?”