Chapter 5

“I’m Scooter Stahl, owner/operator. Nice to meet you. This is great,” he said, sounding like he meant it. And the way Scooter was grinning was inviting. “Just follow Atlantic Avenue down to Sandbridge, ‘bout ten miles. You can’t miss it. Dockside is the big building, next to the dock, obviously.”

Ten miles? Shit. Andy set his empty juice bottle on the counter for Harry-Rex to scan. “What’s the nearest bus stop?”

Scooter snorted. “You’re at it, pal. Sandbridge is way down the beaten path. Where you stayin’? My waitress and cook live up here in town, you can probably carpool. Of course, you risk having to listen to Jason sing along with the radio, which is a fate worse than death, I assure you.”

Andy grinned uneasily. “I just got into town, really, a couple of hours ago. Haven’t had time to make arrangements yet.”

Harry-Rex gave Scooter a raised eyebrow. “Did Jeff take the dog?”