Chapter 18

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The Tides turned out to be just as terrible as Scooter had claimed. Maybe worse. Andy didn’t even really like baseball, but he was pretty sure he could do better. And yet, somehow, it was still fun.

“I didn’t know you could getthat many errors in a single inning,” Andy said, licking hot dog grease and suspicious “cheese” sauce off his fingers. “Seriously, is this staged? Like, you know, the Senators at a Globetrotters game?”

Scooter propped his feet up on the empty seat in front of them, crossing his long legs at the ankles. “Nah, they just suck. Last game I was at, we lost twelve to one. It was amazing.” He flagged down a mobile beer vendor. “And by amazing, I mean, holy shit, guys, get your eyes checked. I never seen so many missed catches in my life. On the plus side, there’s absolutely no investment. We already know we’re gonna lose. No need to get anxious about it.”