Chapter 51

Scooter’s jaw was rough with stubble and Andy nosed along the edge of it to the sweet spot under his ear, licked and nibbled the rim of Scooter’s ear and breathed hot into it just to make Scooter shudder.

“Oh, that’s…yeah, that’s nice,” Scooter murmured, going boneless under Andy’s mouth. He slid his hands down Andy’s back, stopped when he reached the waistband of Andy’s jeans. “Can I?” His fingers teased at the skin there, clearly tracing the line of consent, but even that was hot and arousing, the way Scooter’s fingers were warm and a little rough from all the work he did. The pads of his fingers scraped along Andy’s sides, just bordering on the edge of ticklish.

“Oh, God, yes, please,” Andy gasped, rocking his hips to grind them together, heated and electric and so so good even through their clothes. He mouthed down Scooter’s neck, sucking and licking at the delicate skin, salty and warm.