Chapter 56

He needed to get a grip; it was their first goddamn date. Scooter took a breath and said, “Well, maybe Debbie will just keep him this time.”

“Debbie gets the Boy Wonder, and I get the dog?” Andy said. “Square deal.”

Not that Trick was the only one who missed Jeff; Andy filled a space, but not Jeff’s. Jeff was all sass and terrible habits and bad puns. Jeff was an adrenaline junkie who got off on base-jumping and had been arrested more than once for trying to scale the Rotunda. Who got tanked off his ass and started bar brawls out of boredom. It had been…quieter this summer, so far. Scooter eyed Andy, wondering if the two of them would get along; Jeff wasn’t easy-going and tended to steamroll anyone who couldn’t keep up with him. Jeff might be a little much for Andy. Or, Jeff might decide that he needed a little brother in his life. Jeff was an asshole, but when someone needed it, Jeff Tucker was right there, willing to lend a hand. Or a fist.