“Yeah,” D’ante piped up, totally ruining the moment, because it was D’ante. “He paid for you, fair and square.”
Elaine picked up one of the throw pillows from the sofa and hit D’ante in the shoulder with it. “You are completely unromantic.”
“Pillow fights now,” Andy said, smug. “Totally a sleepover. Next we’re going to do our nails and talk about boys.” He considered. “Or girls, or…whatever. Equal opportunity crushing.”
“I’d talk about my crush,” Scooter said, “but he’s right here in the room, which would be rude.” Andy hid a stupid smile against Scooter’s leg.
“It’s totally me.” Jason said, striking a pose.
“True, alas,” Scooter said, pulling a stage-worthy tragic face. “Forever doomed to pine from afar, the object of my desire within reach, save for the she-devil who tempted him from my grasp.”
“Kat,” Andy complained, “give me some ice cream so I can refuse to share it with Scooter.”