Andy stared for another moment, refusing to be dismissedlike an errant lackey. Then he turned, and very carefully walked away. 5
Andy nudged Scooter’s chin up and tugged at his tie. The tailor had done this, too, when Scooter had tried the suit on, but all Scooter had felt then was overwhelmed and confused and slightly embarrassed. Now, with Andy doing it, close enough for Scooter to feel the warmth of Andy’s body, Andy’s breath puffing lightly against his neck…
“There.” Andy brushed down Scooter’s chest and stepped back, looking Scooter over possessively. “Now you’re fit for polite society. Or, as it happens, this bunch.” Andy grinned, eyes sparkling, and if Scooter hadn’t been there, he would never have guessed Andy had just spent the better part of an hour crying in Scooter’s arms.