“Oh, God, who told on me?” Andy grumbled. “I haven’t touched a keyboard in years.”
“That would be Mrs. Spruce, I think. She was the one in that awful green dress, right? With the hair all—” Scooter made a gesture around his head like pouring soft serve into a twist. “You said the St. Vincents were fashionable, and I don’t think I met a Mrs. Rutledge, so yeah, I guess that’s right.”
“Yeah, that’s her.” Andy chortled at Scooter’s hair gesture. “Busybody. Mom taught me, when I was tiny, and we used to play together sometimes. It’s not like I’ve been yearning to get back into it or anything, though, or I’d have been pricing out used ‘boards on Craigslist or something.” He glanced at Scooter sidelong. “Sorry you got thrown right into the shark tank your first night in town. I’d hoped to have time to at least get you a wetsuit first.”