Andy went from pale to flushed in a second, and for the second time in a week Scooter saw his eyes blaze and his mouth curl into a snarl of rage. His hand tightened on the doorframe, and then he turned and walked away. A few seconds later, the front door slammed hard enough to rattle the windows.
(…you slip up, just once, someday down the road, and he’s in the wind again…)
Scooter sat heavily on his parent’s old bed, trying to shake the memory of Nick’s words out of his ears. Two years’ worth of dust puffed out, turning the air into glittering sparkles. “What…what the hell am I supposed to do now, Ma?” Like she could hear him. Like she’d even want to. God, he was such a fuckup sometimes.
Scooter sat there for a long, long time.
* * * *
Andy slammed into the restaurant. Jason barely had time to look up from where he was cleaning the grill and say, “Hey, what’s—” before Andy had pushed through onto the main floor.