To Scooter: that’s who she says she is. she has a key.
“Thanks,” he said, reaching for the dustpan. “I mean, it’s been a few months, I’m pretty much over it.” That wasn’t altogether true, but the things he’d heard about Mace didn’t make him think she was a good confidante.
New text from Scooter: OMW. 15mins. ::heart emojii:: Yikes ::wide eyes emojii::
“I take it you’re the bank account behind my baby brother making good on what he owes me at last,” she said. She wasn’t quite looking at him, her gaze flickering over the brag wall, the ancient host podium, the new cash register/computer. “Can’t believe he managed to keep this place standing.”
“More or less,” Andy admitted. “Though I haven’t dropped much money into the restaurant itself yet.” That was technically true; the checks to the contractors doing the repairs hadn’t cleared yet. “It’s a good place.”