Chapter 168

Tiffany was already in the limo; like most military, she could sleep just about anywhere. She was curled up onto the end near the driver, untouched coffee in the cup holder near her head. She woke up just enough to open her eyes, look at Andy, give him a thumbs up and then rolled over.

Roni took out her phone. “Looks like your friend Jim is up, we’ll go get him first,” she said. “He just got in last night, but, I don’t know, military people. Some of them actually get sleep at night like normal people.” She gave Tiffany a fond glower.

“Your fault,” Tiffany muttered. “Next time, don’t talk me into binging Brooklyn 99with you until three A.M.”

“You could’ve gotten Jim and Robert first,” Andy said, taking another gulp of his vaguely coffee-flavored sugar. “Then I could’ve slept in. I feel like I’m the one who should’ve gotten to sleep in, here.” And to have sleepy morning sex, too; that would’ve been nice.