Chapter 25

A sudden urgency that hadn’t been there before filled Elliot.

“Everyone, please stand up and walk calmly out the classroom. Wait next door until someone comes for you.” He spoke clearly, trying to put as much authority in his voice as possible, hoping the kids would listen.

Miraculously, they did. The two seated next to the door stood and scurried out. As they opened the door, Elliot could see other people outside.

He wasn’t alone anymore. All he needed to do now was to evacuate the rest of the class before Kenny snapped and decided to use the knife.

Piece of cake.

* * * *

Elliot had no idea what time it was when he finally got home. The afternoon had been an endless stream of one meeting after another, with scared kids and angry parents, security and the school counselor. It had been dark outside a long time when he was finally allowed to leave. His predictions about the snow had come true, and he’d trudged through gray slush to the bus stop.