Chapter 4

When the internal light turned on and he could see the truck’s occupant, his eyes narrowed. It was not the waifish frilly lady he’d been expecting, but a man.

“What’s this asshole want?” he said. Behind him, Helen set her laptop aside again and got up to stand at his back. Killian knew he didn’t cut an intimidating figure with his stature and build, so he appreciated Helen’s backup even though he’d been in enough fist fights to handle himself alone.

The guy got out of his truck and Killian was very glad he had Helen at his back. The stranger had to be over six feet tall, with a dark shadow of whiskers on his face, dark eyes, and broad shoulders. He wore a black baseball cap, black thigh-length rain coat, jeans, and black combat boots. He distinctly reminded Killian of some asshole who’d once given him a black eye in a bar for drunkenly suggesting they fuck. The guy leaned back into the truck to grab a backpack, and then closed the door and moved towards their van.