Chapter 19

“After that I seemed to crumble. I almost hated everything about the church. Oh, I don’t mean what it stood for, I mean the dark wood, the burgundy cloth on the pews. Even the smell of candle wax as I walked through the chapel.” He hesitated, and took a big breath. “Now I want out, and don’t know how to get out. I mean, it’s not like a regular job where you go in to your boss’s office and say, ‘I quit.’ And I’m too embarrassed to go to anyone and tell them that the calling I thought I received was really the booze talking.

“My only salvation was being able to get out at night, and walking the streets.” He looked over at Gabe, and his voice took on a soft, intimate sound. “That’s when I met a man with the words Night Flyer written across his shirt. I tried to forget him, but I couldn’t.”