Chapter 15

“You know what my job is?” he said at last.

I shook my head.

“I’m caretaker, up at the manor house, the whole estate. I take care of it.”


“Yeah. I go up there from time to time to check things. And,” here he leaned towards me, “I alwayslock the doors. Just like here at the cottage.”

I felt at a loss. Lowering my head, I said quietly, “I’m not lying.”

There was no response. Then he said, “Okay. Tell me what happened, up at the manor house.”

So I did. Everything, unvarnished, including my impressions and feelings. And when I looked up I saw him looking at me with a very odd expression on his face. We regarded each other without speaking for a while. He seemed to be puzzling something out.

At last he said, quietly, “So—it’s happened to you, too.”

“What? What do you mean?”

He moved his head from side to side. “Mmm—well, the doors slamming, for one. The change of feeling after sunset, for another. And the outside door—”

“It didopen,” I said. “Go up and look at it!”