One day he was helping plant late vegetables in the garden, and realized that it had been a whole year since he had first landed at the farm. He thought then of his family. He had sent word to them, not long after he first arrived here, so they wouldn’t be worried. In any case, he was long since old enough to not have them fret over him being away. Still, he did miss them, just a little. But he wasn’t ready to leave here, not even for a visit home. All the same, I should probably write again, and let them know what’s happening in my life, he thought. Well, the village isn’t that far away, by wing. I could go today, and be back by sundown.
“Jonathan!” Fionn just hollered, no point wandering the farm looking for Johnathan, he could be anywhere.
Johnathan’s head poked out of the hay barn. “What is it?”