
Chapter 40

“Lync’s pop picked a good place.”

“He did.” Wheat reached for Laurie’s hand. “I hope you know which way we have to go, because I have no clue.”

Laurie studied the area, then gave a satisfied nod and said, “This way.”

And unerringly, he led them to the piece of shit, which fortunately, hadn’t leaked.

He unlocked the doors, and they piled the bugout bag, the backpack, and the pharmacy bag onto the backseat, and he dropped the bag of trash on the floorboard. A glance at the gas gauge showed he had a little more than half a tank.

“That’s odd.”

“What is?” Wheat asked, making sure the back doors were locked.

“I didn’t think I had this much gas left.” Laurie shook his head. “Obviously I was wrong. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

“Wait, where are you going?”

“I’m just going to check out the road. I want to make sure no one is nearby.”

“I’m going with you.”

“It’s not—”

“I’m going with you.”

“Fine. Just stay frosty.”