Chapter 58

“I wish I could’ve told you.” My frown joined his for a little do-si-do. “Water under the bridge now.” I licked my lips. “Or maybe scotch. Speaking of which, how did you find me so fast?”

“You found the envelope in the microwave.”

“How did you—”

“You didn’t stick the envelope back right. It fell. I spotted it maybe a minute after you left. You didn’t just find that envelope; you must’ve been looking for it, or for something. I figured, since everyone else at the club had a secret to hide, that must’ve included you. And since you found out my secret, maybe, for my own safety, I needed to find out yours. So, I followed you, and since you stopped limping as soon as you left my place, I knew I had good reason to follow you. I’ve been following you ever since.” He pointed to the open cask and allowed a brief smile. “Guess I was smart to do so.”

“But how did you find me down here, and so fast?”