Chapter 63

Lucy sighed. “Mostly Luna.”

“Hey!” shouted Luna, then shrugged and went back to her drink.

“In any case,” continued Connie, “Auntie keeps us in the dark about her operation. We all know we’re being blackmailed. We all know our parts. But none of us knows what the others do, what Auntie really does. And, even if we did, there’s nothing we can do about it, because if Auntie goes to jail, all our secrets become public knowledge. Or worse, we all go to jail with her.” She glowered my way. “Been there, done that, Mary, and no thanks.” Her glass was empty. She rose to leave. The others did the same.

“Wait!” shouted Chad.

“For what?” said Maureen. “Connie is right. There is no way out of this. If Auntie goes down, we all go down. And while I usually so love going down…”

I again rose. “Look, for now, Auntie doesn’t know that we’re here meeting like this. If you all leave now, there’s no hope. So long as we stick together, there is.”