I rang the bell. He answered it. Arthur. My almost-murderer. “Oh,” he said.
“Yeah, oh.”
“I, um…”
I nodded. “You tried to kill me. Thankfully, you’re not a very good killer. You are good at being an asshole, however. If they ever start giving out awards for that, you should invest in a trophy case.”
“I was protecting my husband. You would’ve done the same. For Jeff. Or your parents. You do what needs to be done to protect your loved ones.”
“Doubtful.” Probably. “In any case, that’s why I’m here.”
“Not to gloat?”
I shrugged. “You’re an asshole. You’re old and will hopefully die soon. You’re almost broke. Your husband will probably leave you when you run out of money.” I paused and stared up at a passing cloud. “There. Gloating complete.” I paused again. “And I’d never kill. Never. Not for anyone.”
He sighed. “I hope you won’t have to find out if that’s true, Barry.”
I blinked. Was he being…human? Gave me the chills just thinking about it. “Did Chad tell you everything?”