Chapter 77

Pearl, now Tom, raised his gun Luna’s way. “Shut up. Shut the fuck up. All of you.” He looked scared and sounded the same. He was a drug dealer. They were all drug dealers. They weren’t murderers. So, yeah, he was scared. So was Lester. I could see it in his eyes, too. Scared was good—for us, I mean. Scared meant that we had a chance of escape. People fucked up when they were scared. Heck, Auntie and Pearl could barely make it through a Madonna song without fucking it up. And this went way beyond a middling lip-sync.

“The police know I’m here,” I said. “They know I’m working this case. I sent them a message that, if I don’t come home, they should look for me here.” I already had a plan formulating when I said this. A good detective needs to be a few steps ahead. I was lucky to be two, right about then, but two was, hopefully, all we’d need.