“It’s a nice gun. Pulls left just a bit, but you’ll learn to compensate for it.” He watched his student’s face brighten when it was at last his turn at the targets. He succeeded in hitting the target twice, but not on the outline of the man.
Blaze critiqued him and made suggestions, calling it quits for the day when the hour was up. “You did well for your first shoot. My fee includes two free half-hour sessions on the range on your own. I suggest you use them prior to our time together next week. Then we’ll shoot indoors. If you have any questions, you have my card.”
It was well into the lunch hour, and Blaze drove to a small market to buy Coors Light beer, Dr. Pepper, milk, bread, and some tins of salmon. He had stopped his cart in the canned fish aisles when an odd smell reached him. He scented, drawing in air through his nostrils as he pretended to study the cans on the shelf in front of him.