Chapter 18

“When we go cold in a few minutes, we’ll walk downrange and exchange the target for a fresh one. They’re dated, and I suggest you keep them to see your progress. For now, try that move a few times while I watch. I promise you, with practice it’ll become one smooth motion in time.”

“Being smooth and fast might save my life if I was charged by some wild animal, wouldn’t it?”

“It just might.”

“Cold,” came over the loudspeaker. “Downrange.”

As they walked to the target, Logan said, “I can see it would be easier if my weapon was on my left side.”

“It would, but you need to be able to get to your weapon fast no matter where it’s secured, and, remember, you’re right-handed.”

During the next hot period, Logan took his stance and fired. “I can’t believe I actually hit the damned target twice. Too bad it wasn’t anywhere on the body.”

Blaze’s laugh was low, but Logan joined him.

“My grandfather would be embarrassed all to hell for me.”